Egypt Travel Guide

When is the best time to visit Egypt?

The best time to visit Egypt

Egypt is a country full of history and culture that’s perfect to visit all year-round, The Best time to visit Egypt is from October to April, this is when the weather is cooler and you can enjoy a variety of festivals and events.

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Related: Weather in Egypt

Temperature and climate in Egypt

The weather in Egypt varies by location. The temperature ranges between 10°C (50°F) and 40°C (104°F). Egypt has a hot, dry climate, especially in the north, which contains the majority of Egypt’s population. When travelling to Egypt, it is important that you are aware of the expected temperatures and what to wear during your stay.

Winter brings a little rain to most of Egypt, though some regions receive more rain significantly more than others. Winter temperatures tend to be colder on average than summer, winter is the best time to visit Egypt when temperatures are milder and the temperatures ranges between 10°C (50°F) and 40°C (104°F).

Summer in Egypt is hot and dry, the temperatures range between 23°C (50°F) and 37° C (99° F) and the hottest months are June through to August, when looking at summer temperatures in Egypt, it is important to remember that this is a land of contrasts, this means you will find hot desert temperatures during the day, but cool mountain temperatures at night.

Seasons in Egypt

Spring in Egypt “20th of March to 20th of June”

Spring is your best bet The temperatures are moderate it’s the ideal time to visit Egypt, the weather will be mild and pleasant, while the crowds are still manageable. this is also the best time to visit the pyramids at Giza and Luxor temple, If you’re traveling in the region during Khamsin wind season, be prepared for sandstorms that make can make sightseeing difficult, if this happens to you, add a day or two to your tour program.

Events: Ramadan, Eid Al Fitr

Summer in Egypt “20th of June to 22th of September”

If you are not used to high temperature then you need to be aware that summer in Egypt is hot and dry, but if you’re not particularly sensitive to heat then visiting Egypt during summer is a good idea.

The weather makes it easy to explore Egypt’s many attractions, from sandy beaches and towering pyramids to ancient temples and bustling bazaars, it’s also a perfect time for hiking through the Sinai Peninsula or taking sailing trips on Lake Nasser.

The Red Sea is one of several destinations where summertime offers exceptional weather conditions, you can enjoy visiting Hurghada or Sharm El sheikh and enjoy warm days and cool nights, summer is also ideal for scuba diving and snorkeling Not only that – during June, July and August (the hottest months), you’ll enjoy lower prices on flights and hotels than you would at other times of year!

Events: Eid Al Adha

Autmn in Egypt “22th of September to 21th of December”

If you’re planning a trip to Egypt and want to experience its rich culture and explore its magnificent sites without struggling through crowds or being stuck in traffic jams on busy streets, then October through November is your best bet for avoiding crowds while still enjoying mild weather conditions that are perfect for sightseeing adventures around Cairo or along the Nile River Valley. While these months aren’t considered peak tourist season (June-September), they tend not be as crowded and offer great weather with clear blue skies during daytime hours.

Events: Cairo Jazz Festival, Birth of Ramses at Abu Simbel, El Gouna Film Festival, Moulid of Sayyid Al Badawi, Cairo International Film Festival, Arab Music Festival, Mawlid An Nabi.

Winter in Egypt “21th of December to 21th of March”

The winter months in Egypt are the best time to visit the country. This is when temperatures range from 15 to 25 degrees Celsius, and rainfall is rare. It’s also when the weather is dry and sunny—the sun at its strongest—with long days and short nights, it will also get colder than you expect during the winter in Egypt after dark so it will be good idea to pack something to make you warm during your visit to Egypt, since it’s the highest tourist season in Egypt you can except a higher price on flights and hotels especially during the period between Christmas and New Year.

Events: Egyptian Marathon, Cairo International Book Fair, Ascension of Ramses II (also called the Sun Festival), Coptic Christmas

Best time to visit the Red Sea in Egypt

Best time to visit the red sea in Egypt

January is the best time to visit the red sea, this is when you get to enjoy the pleasant weather during daytime and if you are not sensitive to the heat, then visiting Egypt during June, July and August would be great too.

Best time for diving in Egypt

September is the perfect season for diving when the weather is moderate the entire day, starting from the second half of September to the end of October is perfect to explore the underwater adventures of Egypt, Expert divers tend like to do diving during summer time in Egypt where the underwater visibility is clear and the sea is calm and warm.

Best time for hiking in Sinai or visiting the western desert in Egypt.

February and November are the best times to visit the Sinai mountains and also enjoy a trip to Bahiriya oasis in the western desert of Egypt. the cooler weather makes it perfect for camel treks as well.

Best time to do Nile cruise in Egypt

Any time between October to April is the best time to cruise the Nile River in Egypt, the weather is not too hot during these months and the Nile is clear and calm and of course it is the perfect time to do some cool photography cruising the Nile between Luxor and Aswan, wondering what to pack for a Nile cruise holiday in Egypt?

A wonderful sunset was taking in Aswan.

Conclusion – When is the best time to visit Egypt?

Based on all of this, there is no doubt that the best time to visit Egypt is from October to April. During these months, you’ll have a blast enjoying everything the country has to offer, the weather will be perfect, and you won’t need to worry about the pesky mosquitos found in other seasons, So grab your travel buddy and book a flight and book your tour to Egypt.

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